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About Customer Experience

Customer experience or CX can mean different things to people. The diversity of perception for CX makes it difficult for companies to implement an efficient and positive CX. In this article, we will try to define and discuss what customer experience is and why a business should see to it that it provides positive CX.

In very simple terms, customer experience requires the cultivation of a positive focus of customers to a particular brand. It covers what the customer sees, touches, smells and tastes with a product or service. CX requires companies to serve the clients the best way possible for full satisfaction.

CX is present in a company who:

  • Has loyal fans and advocates on social media
  • Has emotional connection with  buyers
  • Delights and make customers happy
  • Fully satisfied customers of products and services

If a business can offer a positive, delightful CX as they interact with the clients, revenues and conversions are assured.


What is CX Management?

Whether a business is going international or local, CX is important for them.  There is an understanding of the interconnected tools, responsibilities and processes involve to deliver satisfaction. CX covers not only those involve with customer service but cuts through all phases of the organization.

Customer experience management involves”

  • Development of continuing CX mindset
  • Increase awareness of the brand
  • Increase customer loyalty and retention
  • Manage customer expectations

There are some elements to consider when developing a CX mindset:

1, Establishment of priorities of the business

2. The brand that would be promoted

3. How to satisfy the customers with the product or service

Evaluate each element as to the connection to each other to find out issues and conflict between them and resolve this. Example: What the customer demands may not align with your business goals like lesser prices. The work of CX is create a balance and let the customer understand why prices are the way they are.

The impact of customer experience on performance

Many believe that CX is hard to monitor since there are many elements – from sales to customer service. Some people link CX with the financial performance of the business. This is because satisfied clients would certainly buy again and again.A good CX have been known to increase revenue and shareholders acknowledge its importance.

The Customer Experience Pyramid

The customer experience pyramid below will help businesses understand customer needs:

  1. Utility step is at the bottom of the pyramid.  The business must satisfy the basic needs of good customer service. This is delivering the product or service on time consistently.
  2. Usability step – This is when the business takes the service one step further to reduce tension and makes the customer interacts easily with the business.
  3. Pleasurable step – This is at the top of the pyramid that develops pleasure on the part of customers and measures the pleasurable customer interactions.

It is vital for a positive customer experience to be established by a business because competition is tough. It is only with a unique, memorable and pleasurable interaction between customers and the organization will retention and loyalty be achieved.

In very simple terms, customer experience requires the cultivation of a positive focus of customers to a particular brand. It covers what the customer sees, touches, smells and tastes with a product or service. CX requires companies to serve the clients the best way possible for full satisfaction.

CX is present in a company who:

  • Has loyal fans and advocates on social media
  • Has emotional connection with  buyers
  • Delights and make customers happy
  • Fully satisfied customers of products and services

If a business can offer a positive, delightful CX as they interact with the clients, revenues and conversions are assured.


What is CX Management?

Whether a business is going international or local, CX is important for them.  There is an understanding of the interconnected tools, responsibilities and processes involve to deliver satisfaction. CX covers not only those involve with customer service but cuts through all phases of the organization.

Customer experience management involves”

  • Development of continuing CX mindset
  • Increase awareness of the brand
  • Increase customer loyalty and retention
  • Manage customer expectations

There are some elements to consider when developing a CX mindset:

1, Establishment of priorities of the business

2. The brand that would be promoted

3. How to satisfy the customers with the product or service

Evaluate each element as to the connection to each other to find out issues and conflict between them and resolve this. Example: What the customer demands may not align with your business goals like lesser prices. The work of CX is create a balance and let the customer understand why prices are the way they are.

The impact of customer experience on performance

Many believe that CX is hard to monitor since there are many elements – from sales to customer service. Some people link CX with the financial performance of the business. This is because satisfied clients would certainly buy again and again.A good CX have been known to increase revenue and shareholders acknowledge its importance.

The Customer Experience Pyramid

The customer experience pyramid below will help businesses understand customer needs:

  1. Utility step is at the bottom of the pyramid.  The business must satisfy the basic needs of good customer service. This is delivering the product or service on time consistently.
  2. Usability step – This is when the business takes the service one step further to reduce tension and makes the customer interacts easily with the business.
  3. Pleasurable step – This is at the top of the pyramid that develops pleasure on the part of customers and measures the pleasurable customer interactions.

It is vital for a positive customer experience to be established by a business because competition is tough. It is only with a unique, memorable and pleasurable interaction between customers and the organization will retention and loyalty be achieved.