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Answering Service Solutions

Answering service solutions are essential for small and big businesses. Why? Foremost, because it provides a positive customer relationship. The challenge is in finding the right answering service solution that is an exact match to the business needs. 

Below are some answering services solutions available for business operations:

Virtual Receptionists

Virtual receptionists usually work from a remote location and take on calls using professionally trained protocols. They are no different from in-house receptionists – they can take messages, provide details to customers, make and schedule appointments, and relay emergency messages. 

They can even go a step forward as virtual receptionists work on a 24/7/365 schedule.

Private Branch Exchange (PBX)

This is a commonly used option by corporations and offices. This implements an automated software that provides called options and directs them to specific extensions for an inquiry or complaint.

The PBX can reduce business costs and immediately helps customers. The downside is that there are callers that need to speak and interact with a human receiver.

Traditional Answering Service

This option answers calls, receives messages, and acts as the intermediate interaction for customers. This is ideal for big corporations that need help with customer communications logs, inquiries, and complaints. In-house staff can readily be connected to a company representative if needed.

Live Answering Service Providers

Medical and legal professionals resort to this type of answering service. A live answering service offers these professionals and their clients a live and personal option to respond to inquiries immediately. This is ideal for small offices and businesses.

Custom Answering Services

Some providers can tailor fit answering services to the business. 

A lot of businesses customize every process to these outsourced providers. This option can be efficient and effective.

There is a variety of answering service solutions and whichever is cost-efficient for the business will have many benefits. The answering service can offer 24/7/365 availability, eliminate the need for voicemails, offer bilingual options, and integrate call monitoring, recording and reports. The provide immediate customer service and interaction.

Get started today and contact Barbara’s Answering Service to find out how we can help the business expand with an answering service solution. Visit our website for more information.