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Spotlight: Virtual Receptionists

Virtual receptionists answer calls or greet clients when they call. But nowadays, they are given more tasks. The virtual receptionist must have a good product or service knowledge to be able to answer a wide range of questions from the clientele. In this manner, they become a part of the sales and marketing team. There are times when they are responsible for record-keeping or even managing appointments. In many offices, their role can be hectic, and have a tendency not just answering calls but work on other mundane tasks. When this scenario happens, management must assess the workflow and make adjustments before losing clients because of a missed call.

The customer service function of a company is now a large part of business success. Missed calls and voicemail redirects cause more harm than efficiency. Customers will feel abandoned and ignored and they are lead somewhere else. Having a virtual receptionist can alleviate such a situation. Many industries have now embraced this service and found out that virtual receptionists help the business.

For many main-street businesses, they cannot justify the hiring of a full-time receptionist to manage the customer service portion of the business. Virtual receptionists are professionals who can fit into the role during off-hours and high traffic times. They can confirm and arrange client appointments and other bookings needed. Customer information can be gathered by the virtual receptionist and passed to the sales and marketing team. All these tasks can be performed by just like a regular employee in the company. They make the customer service workflow more seamless.

Key qualities to look for in a Virtual Receptionist

Communication Skills

A very important skill that a virtual receptionist must-have. As previously stated, this person must have very good job knowledge which includes product knowledge. He or she must know how to answer questions and to direct these questions to the proper expert if ever he or she does not know the answer. This is good customer service and clients appreciate this effort.

Organization Skills

The virtual receptionist must be able to manage all the different tasks given. He or she must know the importance of timetables and deadlines. This person must be adept with planning strategies to be efficient,

Time Management

There can be multiple tasks given. The person must possess a good understanding of how to prioritize tasks.


The virtual receptionist roles can be varied. He or she must be flexible enough to adjust to the different roles he or she is expected to do.


Being at the forefront of customer service, the virtual receptionist will come across many issues and negative comments about the business. There can be confidential matters that he or she will be exposed to. The virtual receptionist must not disclose anything of a confidential nature but protect the integrity of the business.