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What to Avoid When Dealing with Customers

Dealing with customers may not be all that good. . There are many unspoken issues that customers do not say at all. It is a good practice to be sensitive and know what customers dislike.

When dealing with customers consider human behavior. Why do people react to certain happenings? What pleases them? What best practices should be made?  All these can add up to having a good platform for customer service.

The following are things that customers dislike and knowing what they are can correct service practices that may be harming the business.


Majority like surprises but there is always an exemption. What clients hate most is when they are not informed of changes and this gets them off guard. Have you ever called customer service and only to find out that what you inquired for is no longer there or available? How about when there are policy changes and that you were not informed?

When dealing with customers, agents must be aware of the expressions of disappointed or disgusted customers and know how to handle such situation. These are some “surprises” that clients will react to:

  • Required updates or upgrades
  • Unexpected charges and fees
  • Reassigned agents
  • Pricing changes
  • Delivery delays

The business owner must catch this unfavorable practice before losing customers to the competition.


Today’s technology allows people to interact with each other through a CRM or a customer relationship management system. The CRMs allows clients to monitor orders and other pertinent information about transactions. It allows the sales and marketing people to know what is being purchased and the status of such purchase.  Other departments are also made aware of activities..  The CRM allows a streamlined and stable information system for everyone involved..When a business has a CRM implemented, the possibility of redundancy is avoided.

However, no system is a panacea to all issues. There is often a need to connect with customers and personally ask what is the issue. When this happens, customer service agents must be prepared to work with the client.  See to it that agents have an understanding of what is happening so that they will not ask redundant things with the customers.  Clients do not like to repeat what they are asking and expect that a solution will be given as soon as possible.

When customer agents lets clients repeat the problem, it indicates that:

  • Customer service is not listening well to the client
  • Customer agent s not interested
  • Customer agent does not know how to solve the issue
  • There is no synchronization of thoughts
  • Clearly there is miscommunication somewhere along the channel

The best way to remedy this is to have agents communicated in a clear and precise manner Asking relevant questions can prevent clients repeating themselves.


As a rule, people prefer to have an idea on what is happening to transactions. The “unknown” is something that is not good for business. Customers would like to know how the purchase will affect them and their lives. When something vague happens this gives a sense insecurity.

Once customers ask the following, agents should be aware that they are experiencing some “unknowns::

  • Why was I not informed about that?
  • I do not have the budget for that price change.
  • I need approval for such changes.
  • How was I supposed to know that you changed policies?
  • No one told me of the delivery 

When such a situation happens, the customer service agent must be able to let the client understand and explain clearly the issue. There might have been a miscommunication or a missout in emails or something similar.

Dealing with customers is A BIG DEAL! Customer service personnel must be aware of what should be done on certain situations.  The business must see to the win-win relationship in order to fulfill the goals.