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Building an Effective On-Call Schedule

Businesses can use an online on-call schedule to establish who is available to respond to incidents at any time. When it comes to this type of service, businesses must plan. With the right service provider and tools for the right processes, the on-call calendar will be managed effectively and efficiently. This schedule can also help identify amd resolve incidents and prevent irreversible damage to the business.

Types of On-Call Schedu;es

1. Primary and Secondary

This establishes who will respond to calls immediately.The setup involves two people as primary and secondary responders. If the primary team member is not available then the secondary responder is notified to resolve the issue.

2. Follow-the-Sun

This type of schedule plan is good for service companies with multi-time zone team members. There is a 24/7 coverage since time zones vary. There will always be a responder no matter what time of the day or night.

3. Bi-Weekly

A bi-weekly schedule makes team members work every other week, A sort of rotation is implemented. 

4. Inverse

Inverse scheduling involves alternating primary and secondary responders. 

5. Rotating

This is a common schedule. The team members can be assigned un a rotating basis daily, weekly or monthly. The business can move team members in and out of rotation.  This allows team members to experience all schedules and become flexible.

Requirements for an On-Call Schedule 

Employee skills and capabilities

The on-call schedule should have team members who have the skills to deal with the incidents that are broight to them.  This is done through right training and monitoring by the management. 

Location of Team Members

It is now common for an outsource on-call service provider who is located in another time zone.  This allows businesses to have a 24/7 service.

Team Size

Even if you have a small team, the schedule should be able to cover the service time. Team members should provide timely notifications to concerned individuals.


Businesses should balance work between team members to avoid burnout. Backups in terms of the team should be established. This does not only goes for people but also for equipment.  An outage in the telephone sysem, computers or any tool that suppprts the process can cause damage,

Tips on How to Avoid Common Mistakes

Although is is easy to set up an on-call schedule, there are still mistakes made. These mistakes can be avoided.


This issue is easily avoided with an on-call service provider. However, if the business has an in-house set-up, the schedule should be flexible to manage.  Team members maybe absent due to sickness or emergencies. All team members should be aware pf changes when it happens.

One Size FIts All Approach

There is no perfect on0call schedule. One may work for the time being but may not suffixe after a time.  The management must evaluate the schedule and look at the advantages from time to time. Team member should be made aware that the schedule can change to another format every now and then. of Flexibility.

No work lige balance

Team members sho are overworked will be inefficient. Management should see to it that they have enough rest especially those who are working on graveyard shifts.

With a service provider this can be avoided.  The provider has enough man power to do rotations and have protocols for day-offs.  They can have ample rest periods to avoi burnout.

With Barbara’s Answering Service as a partner for the on-call schedule provider, the business can have less mistakes and the process implemented efficiently.  Contact Barbara;s Answering Service if you need assistance on this.